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Writer's pictureDeb Goodge

Why I Oppose Restrictive Diets and Why You Should Be Too for Lasting Results 

Crash diets, quick fixes, and restrictive weight loss plans are everywhere and they’re promising fast results and easy solutions for women to achieve their fitness goals. 

Unfortunately, many women follow along with these types of diets and strategies because they’re busy and wish for quick results.

I get it, it’s hard not to be tempted by these big promises. 

But the truth is, I’m 100% against these types of diets and if you’re serious about getting the results you want physically and emotionally, I believe you should too. 

These types of diets won’t help you feel your best, and that’s why I’m so against them.

Why These Diets Do More Harm Than Good… 

Restrictive and harmful diets involve extreme calorie restriction and restrict you from nourishment which you need to feel good. 

Following strategies such as these will lead you to follow strict, unrealistic rules that no one can sustain for long. 

And they won’t make you feel your best self, instead, far from it!

You may see short-term results but what happens when you take a restricted approach like this is… 

  • You slow down your metabolism 

Your body will go into starvation mode and will conserve energy, slowing down your metabolism.

This makes it harder to lose weight long-term, but also often leads to you regaining any weight you lost once you stop the diet, which you will because it’s so unsustainable!

  • You create a Yo-Yo effect

These types of diets aren’t designed for long-term success, the drastic weight loss is unsustainable, and when you return to how you were before, your body rebounds, leaving you stuck in a cycle of gaining and losing weight.

This is Yo-Yo dieting, and what many women are currently experiencing because they don’t understand how to actually approach their fitness strategy and nutrition.  

  • You’ll feel more tired, stressed, and hungry

As I said, these types of restrictions will not leave you feeling at your best, instead, you’ll feel miserable.

Where you’re constantly hungry, fatigued, and irritable. Not to mention being very stressed because of it. 

You need the energy to show up for your family as your best version of yourself and feel strong and capable of taking care of life's challenges. 

What Should You Do Instead

So, we can all agree that diets like these and fitness strategies that are restrictive and harmful are the wrong way to approach it. Right?

So, what should we do instead? 

There’s a better way that works well with your busy life, builds your confidence, and delivers long-term results.

I call it the Strong & Steady method, which is sustainable, realistic and helps you build strength, energy, and confidence, without extreme restrictions, sacrifices, and harmful diets. 

The approach that will actually make you feel at your best, and help you live better the way you’re supposed to be. 

It includes balanced nutrition without deprivation and drastically changing your diet, instead, we focus on fueling your body and making you feel at your best.

Sustainable workouts that fit and integrate easily into your busy life in a way that works for your unique lifestyle. 

We focus on thriving in other areas of your life too, not just fitness, due to the strength and confidence you’re going to build. 

All of this is included in our memberships.

You deserve better than a harmful diet that leaves you feeling exhausted, defeated, and lost.

✅ You deserve sustainability and habits that last a lifetime, not quick, temporary results 

✅ You deserve confidence where you feel empowered, not restricted to live a certain way that doesn’t feel right for you 

✅ You deserve energy to tackle your day, and fuel for your body to properly move in a way that feels good and builds strength, not where you feel drained


Yes, these types of strategies may promise fast results, but they’ll never give you the long-term success and confidence you’re looking for as a woman!

It’s time for an approach that works with you, not against you, and that provides you with long-term results.

Click the button below and check out my memberships which includes a much more positive approach towards your fitness journey!

Disclaimer: The content and information shared in this blog post is meant for your personal reference. Prior to making any dietary changes, it is important to seek advice from a nutritionist or healthcare provider. If you have specific health concerns or are pregnant, consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial. The content of this blog is not a substitute for personalized nutrition advice or medical diagnosis. Please use the information provided in this blog at your discretion.


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