Fitness journeys for busy moms can be very challenging, especially when they’ve got so much to manage!

We’re all facing challenges that are holding us back and are making things harder for us to thrive.
But here’s the twist, many of these things preventing us from thriving as Fitness Moms, are actually paving the way for us to grow stronger, and more confident in ways we never realized.
So, in reality, these challenges that are preventing us from success now, are actually helping us thrive further down the line… it’s all about long-term sustainable success!
Just like motherhood, fitness is full of twists and turns, I understand you may feel discouraged when facing challenges now, but these challenges are exactly what you need to thrive in the long run.
Here are some examples of how things may seem difficult in the present moment but are actually setting you up for success.
Working out makes you feel weak, but it’s actually making you stronger
At the moment, in the middle of a workout, it’s common to feel tired, sore, and sometimes defeated and weak.
Experiencing this can feel challenging, but that feeling of “weakness” is a sign that your body and capability are pushing beyond your comfort zone and growing because of it.
You grow most when you’re outside your comfort zone, that’s where you build the most confidence and strength.
The discomfort you feel during a workout is temporary, and you’ll only experience that short term.
However, the strength and resilience you gain will last much longer, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment.
Then you can use that to thrive in other areas of your life, such as motherhood!
Feeling overwhelmed by time management, but learning from it
As a mom wanting to thrive in motherhood and fitness, time management and other challenges can feel overwhelming.
But these challenging times are forcing you to rethink your priorities each day, helping you become more efficient long-term.
Here’s the thing…
When you feel overwhelmed, it’s an indicator that something needs to change, from there you learn how to deal with these challenging times, and you’re teaching yourself to overcome these obstacles which make you feel overwhelmed.
Things become easier when you adjust accordingly, and feeling overwhelmed allows you to learn how to adjust appropriately.
I understand it may feel stressful and, well… overwhelming now, but I promise it’s teaching you how to thrive in the long run and achieve success in your fitness journey.
Rest days feel unproductive but they’re essential for recovery
The truth is rest days are just as productive as non-rest days because rest and recovery are so essential for us.
Sometimes it can feel like you’re wasting time, “not doing enough”, or being unproductive, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Things aren’t as they seem in fitness, especially rest days.
I understand your urge to hit your fitness goals, but what’s happening during rest is your body is using that time to repair, rebuild, and recover.
This is ensuring that you recharge and show up as the best version of yourself, not just in fitness but in other areas of your life too, for example, motherhood!
Rest isn’t laziness, PLEASE understand this, they’re just as productive, so embrace them!
You feel stuck in a rut but you’re building other skills
There will 100% be days when you feel stagnant and discouraged and when you’re not seeing the results you desire.
Where you’re unmotivated, you feel like your hard work isn’t leading anywhere, and you’re thinking “What’s the point”
Sound familiar?
Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.
But what I found from experiencing moments like this is that they’re not always as they seem.
What I mean by this is that, when you’re stuck in a rut, and experiencing these challenges and obstacles, you’re building more skills than you realize.
For one… Huge amounts of discipline.
Experiencing these moments of feeling stuck, and continuing to be consistent with your actions anyway, are building valuable skills such as discipline, and a strong powerful work ethic.
The truth is, that motivation comes and goes, but discipline is what allows you to stay consistent and pushes you forward.
In summary…
Taking action while in a rut builds discipline, which is what you need to thrive.
Every action you take, while you are unmotivated, you feel like your hard work isn’t leading anywhere, and you’re thinking “What’s the point”, is all leading to a bigger picture of you thriving in both fitness AND motherhood!
It’s easy to misinterpret the challenges you face as setbacks, but the key is to recognize that these feelings are temporary.
PLUS, you’ll benefit through facing these challenges in ways you would never have thought.
Things aren’t always as they seem, there are many struggles and setbacks that you’re experiencing that will lead to you thriving as a Fitness Mom.
With every small, consistent effort and action you take, especially during tough times, you’re becoming more confident, stronger, and empowered, isn’t that exciting?
Please, keep going, because things aren’t always as they appear, your future self will thank you!
I’m so proud of you and your journey, you're truly becoming the best version of yourself and I would love to be a part of your journey.
I empower women to kickstart their fitness journey, even with a hectic life, so they become fit, confident, and feel amazing!
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