This may shock you but, what you think is actually self-care isn’t even scratching the surface of what true self-care can do for you.

Right now, self-care may look like scrolling on your phone, having some “me time”, or spa days.
But the truth is, in order for self-care to help you thrive in your career and family life you need to take actions that fuel your energy, strength, and confidence. So you can show up for the people and goals that matter most to you.
And this is what hardly anybody else speaks about when it comes to self-care, we’ve been sold a lie that self-care is just “me time”, and something you do after checking everything off your to-do list.
What self-care actually should be are positive habits that prioritize your well-being that you’re doing every single day, they can be small but have to be intentional.
Just taking simple, but powerful actions can make a huge difference, such as…
👉 Moving your body so you have the energy to handle life’s challenges and get through your day feeling amazing
👉 Fueling yourself with nutritious and delicious foods instead of restricting yourself
👉 Having boundaries so you’re saying “yes” to yourself more than everyone else
Why Self-Care is Essential for Your Career
Without self-care, you’re going to find it extremely difficult to thrive in your career, and advance in your career goals, why?
Because you’ll be showing up as a more exhausted, less confident, and less capable version of yourself, that isn’t recharged into her best self.
When you’re not at your best and haven’t prioritized self-care, it’s impossible to show up as your best for your career.
Self-care allows you to boost your energy and productivity and show up as a sharper, energetic, and excited version of yourself.
Not to mention self-care provides you with the confidence, strength, and capability you need to thrive.
It’s when you invest in yourself, that you show up as your best self, and you advance in your career effortlessly.
Why Self-Care is Essential for Your Family Responsibilities
As women with packed schedules, balancing family responsibilities, career, and our fitness goals, of course taking care of our loved ones is our main urge.
But you can’t be fully present, you can’t take care of them, and you can’t handle family responsibilities when you’re constantly exhausted.
But it’s when you practice self-care you feel more energized and can be fully present with them, enjoying every moment with them, rather than just going through the motions and feeling exhausted.
But here’s the thing, self-care isn’t easy, it’s not fun, and it’s not glamorous.
It’s difficult, but the payoff is worth it because it allows you to show up fully as your best self, for your family, career, and YOU!
When you prioritize self-care, you’re not just surviving, you’re thriving and you’re career, family, and future self with thank you for it.
But self-care doesn’t have to be complicated, it can be simple but powerful, start with moving daily, setting boundaries, and learning to say “yes” to yourself more than you are to others.
On top of that, it’s important to remember that it’s okay that your version of self-care looks different to others, you have a unique lifestyle.
Other people have either less or busier lives than you do, so their version of self-care will look different to yours, and that’s okay.
If you’re wondering what self-care may look like in your unique lifestyle and how you can start implementing it today so you can thrive in your family life and career.
Click the button below.