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The Harsh Truth Most Busy Women Ignore About Thriving in Life

Writer's picture: Deb GoodgeDeb Goodge

Here’s the truth you may not want to hear, most busy women whether they’re mothers, professionals, caregivers, or just women with personal goals trying to balance everything else.

Most busy women are likely to experience burnout, exhaustion, and a feeling of unfulfillment that will not go away until they resolve it. 

That’s because we’re trying to juggle everything, our careers, family responsibilities, and personal goals, but succeeding in those areas of our life is often at the expense of our health and happiness. 

The most uncomfortable part about this is that if you continue putting yourself last, because maybe you think you’ll find more time for self-care in the future, or you believe putting your needs last makes you a “good” mom, or professional… 

You’ll find thriving in the areas of your life that matter most to you close to impossible.

However, by fully understanding and owning this harsh truth, you can change your narrative and avoid becoming another statistic of a burnt-out, overwhelmed busy woman like most of us become!

Instead, we can fully understand the truth and use it to excel in our careers, take care of our family responsibilities effortlessly, and achieve our personal goals with ease, all while feeling amazing about ourselves!

If you’re ready, we can dive in… 

The Truth

I want you to take all the blame off of yourself because it isn’t your fault that you’ve been neglecting yourself and your well-being.

We’ve been conditioned to believe that sacrificing ourselves for others is noble and that putting other needs above our own makes us a “good” mom, or professional.

But speaking from experience from somebody who used to believe that this statement couldn’t be further from the truth!

Most of us have self-care and well-being backward because of what society teaches.

The truth is when you neglect yourself, you’re preventing yourself from showing up as the best version of yourself and others. 

You know that your family feels the difference in you, they notice when you’re stressed, irritable, and stretched too thin trying to balance everything but feeling overwhelmed instead.

You know that you find advancing in your career more difficult because your productivity, energy, and strength crash when you’re not prioritizing yourself.

You know your health and personal goals feel neglected and ignored because exhaustion eventually catches up, and you’re unable to balance everything like you thought you’d be able to. 

But It’s When You… 

Finally realize, that understanding the truth is taking care of yourself isn’t selfish, but essential that everything shifts. 

Imagine you're on a flight and you’re being demonstrated the safety instructions. 

Why do you think they suggest in an emergency to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others?

It’s of course because if you don’t take care of yourself first, you won’t have the strength, focus, or capability to help anyone else.

Your life works the exact same way!

When you’re constantly putting others' needs above your own and not prioritizing yourself and self-care (AKA putting on your own oxygen mask first), you’ll eventually feel like you’re running out of air.

You’ll feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and unable to fully show up for the responsibilities that matter most to you. 

But when you make time for yourself, put on your own oxygen mask first, and prioritize self-care. 

You make feeling energetic, strong, and capable inevitable, and you’ll feel amazing because you know you’re able to tackle everything else in your life. 

But here’s the kicker… 

When you have your own mask on first, when you’re thriving in your life where it matters most. You have the capability of helping the people around you to thrive too.


Understanding this harsh truth is the difference between living a life you love where you feel strong, energetic, and amazing, or where you feel exhausted attempting to get through your day and surviving.

It’s time we stop believing that self-care is optional, selfish, or unnecessary because without prioritizing it, I worry you’ll never have the career you wish to excel in, and you’ll never take care of your family responsibilities so effortlessly. 

You can thrive and excel in your career, family responsibilities, AND personal goals such as building a body you’re proud of and feeling strong, amazing, and proud because of it.

But it starts with you realizing the truth, and it starts with you accepting that prioritizing yourself is necessary for every area of your life to thrive.

Maybe in a way that you’ve never thought possible!

I’m here when you need me, click the button below to simply connect with me if you’re wondering what self-care may look like for you.

Or if you want to build a body you’re proud of, feel strong, energetic, and capable of succeeding in every area of your life that matters to YOU.

I’ll leave you with this… Prioritizing yourself isn’t selfish, it’s what empowers everything else in your life that matters to thrive!

I look forward to hearing from you.


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