Many moms believe that to feel empowered and thrive, the big, drastic changes and accomplishments matter most.

There’s a misconception that only huge actions and commitments lead to real results.
However, the truth is that the small, everyday habits create an environment where busy moms can thrive in fitness and build the confidence and strength they’re looking for.
Busy moms are juggling many tasks, so it’s easy for us to feel overwhelmed with committing to a huge task or making a huge action.
Because of this, our fitness journeys are harmed.
But it doesn’t have to be this way, (speaking from experience) by focusing on small consistent actions that lead to sustainable success, you can thrive as a Fitness Mom!
This blog will cover habits that Moms may overlook because they're focused on the bigger, harder actions, that still matter!
Let’s build, confidence, strength, and empowerment with our fitness journeys…
Moving Your Body
Many Fitness Moms believe to see significant results you must spend hours at the gym.
But in reality, a great workout is based on intensity and consistency, not time.
Busy Moms may not have hours a day to dedicate to fitness, I know I don’t!
But I’ve managed to prioritize my fitness as a busy Mom while having a million things to do, and I guarantee you can too.
I recommend you find moments throughout your day where you can move your body, whether that’s a 10-minute break or at the start of your day!
Daily movement, no matter how small it may be keeps your metabolism active, helps energy levels, and strengthens your body over time.
So, commit to moving your body in a way that makes you feel good and joyful even if it’s for a small moment, don’t feel pressured to dedicate hours.
Staying Hydrated
Some may not realize the importance or impact that water intake has on our overall fitness & health.
The fact is, staying hydrated is one of the most crucial things you can do for your fitness & health, as it helps with energy levels, digestion, and mental clarity.
All are essential for Fitness Moms to thrive.
Dehydration can lead to fatigue, irritability, and low energy levels, which prevent Fitness Moms from thriving and harm our fitness journeys.
So, I recommend starting your day with a glass of water and setting reminders throughout your day to drink more water.
Staying hydrated is easy but sometimes it doesn’t always cross our minds, but it’s so essential for us.
Celebrating Small Wins
There’s a belief that only huge wins and massive accomplishments are worth celebrating, and the small ones don’t matter.
But the reality?...
Small wins are arguably more important to celebrate as they keep us motivated and build momentum to keep us on track for achieving the bigger ones.
By celebrating your small wins, you remain encouraged and motivated to continue your journey, keep track of them, and reflect on them regularly, as they’re worth acknowledging.
Your tiny victories add up over time, and eventually, become your foundation.
So, set small and achievable goals each week (or a certain number of days) and celebrate when you meet them, they should be extremely achievable and clear.
You deserve to give yourself credit for the progress and effort you make.
I’m proud of how far you’ve come in your journey so far, and you should be too, let’s celebrate it!
Connect with me via the button below and we can discuss your fitness journey, the challenges you face, and the wins you’ve celebrated…
I’m so excited to connect with you!
Prioritizing Rest
This may be the biggest misconception, but unfortunately, it also does us Fitness Moms the most harm…
The harmful belief is that you must push through exhaustion, constantly be productive to achieve your fitness goals, and rest when you “have time”.
I wish more moms understood that rest is a crucial part of achieving your fitness goals, and any type of growth.
I understand you may feel guilty about taking time to rest and prioritize yourself, but burnout can occur if you stay like this.
Your body, mind, and overall health will suffer dearly if you aren’t scheduling rest like you would a workout.
Prioritizing rest should be a non-negotiable part of your schedule, you need time for your body to recover, rebuild, and strengthen into the thriving Fitness Mom you desire to be.
You’re making it so hard to become the most empowering best version of yourself for you, your family, and your fitness journey when you’re neglecting rest.
Thriving in motherhood and fitness doesn’t require drastic change or massive adaptations. It doesn’t have to be life-altering.
Instead, it’s the small, daily actions…
Moving your body in a way that makes you feel good each day
Staying Hydrated
Celebrating Wins no matter how small they may seem
Prioritizing Rest
And remaining consistent with these actions and making them a non-negotiable part of your life.
The small, achievable actions done consistently make the biggest difference.
It’s not about perfection, it’s about consistent progress, so I hope you incorporate these simple but essential habits into your life, so you can thrive.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me, I would love to discuss your fitness journey with you!