Plateaus are very common for Fitness Moms to experience, they’re very challenging to overcome, especially for busy moms attempting to juggle all of their responsibilities.

The most challenging part is when you’re putting in the effort, time, and dedication, but still aren’t progressing with your goals. It can feel very underwhelming to notice results stalling despite your best efforts.
However, when you understand how to navigate and overcome these plateaus, you’ll enable yourself to achieve your goals quicker, and easier, while experiencing more joy.
Not to mention you’ll feel more motivated alongside progress.
In today’s blog, I would love to share my process of how I help amazing Fitness Moms overcome their plateaus so they can keep progressing with their goals.
Let’s begin…
Recognizing The Signs
There are 2 main signs of a fitness plateau, they are…
Stalled Progress & Decreased Motivation!
If you notice yourself experiencing either of these, it may be a sign something needs to change, for example setting a new goal, or overcoming a new challenge that excites you.
Try monitoring your progress and keep track of when you experience motivation and enthusiasm towards achieving a certain something. Identify periods where you aren’t making as much progress and identify the potential reason why.
Evaluate your current fitness routine. Look for these two things…
Is there alot of repetition in your fitness plan? - Variety matters, try different exercises and find movement that you enjoy.
Are your workouts intense enough? - Are they too easy, where your body isn’t challenged?
After your evaluation, identify whether you need to add more variety, incorporate more movements that you enjoy, or add more intensity in your workout where your body is being challenged.
Your nutrition is a big part of achieving your fitness goals, ensure that you have a balanced range of nutrients that fuel your body and energize you.
Make sure you aren’t restricting yourself from delicious meals you enjoy, and nourishing foods that make you feel good. Restrictive diets aren’t healthy.
On top of that, ensure you’re hydrated throughout the day and ensure you’re resting appropriately to allow your body to repair and grow stronger.
These two elements are crucial for overcoming plateaus and they must be incorporated into your life if you wish to reach your goals as a Fitness Mom!
Strength Training
Incorporating strength training into your fitness journey when your routine is mostly cardio is an absolute game-changer.
This links in nicely with setting new challenges for your body and goals that excite you.
Progressively overload with strength movements that you enjoy, such as compound movements, dumbbell exercises, or even bodyweight exercises!
Stay Positive & Patient
The two crucial P’s of fitness…
Positivity & Patience.
Here’s the thing, fitness plateaus are common and are a normal part of your journey, but we must overcome them.
Be kind to yourself when you’re experiencing a plateau, remind yourself of the progress you’ve already made, and be proud of yourself, because you should be you’re doing incredible!
Having patience, growth, and success takes time, progress may be slow but it is happening, shift your mindset to focus on consistent progression over perfection.
As I’ve frequently mentioned…
Experiencing a fitness plateau is very common, and it’s okay if you’re currently experiencing one.
However, it doesn’t have to stay this way.
Please ensure you’re getting enough rest and are recovering properly because overtraining and burnout can hinder progress.
Make sure you’re giving your body time to recover by scheduling rest days, listening to your body's signals and what it’s telling you, and honoring them.
I’m so proud of how far you’ve come with your fitness journey, whether you're a step closer to starting, or if you’re currently going through a plateau, I’m here to help you!
Connect with me below, I would love to chat about where you currently are with your fitness, and maybe I can help you with your journey…