There’s often a question that people ask which is…

“Where do you want to be in 5 years?”
Many of us say an unrealistic goal or a super-realistic one that is too easy, or we say “I don’t know”
I help moms kickstart their fitness journey, so they feel more confident, energized, strong, and amazing about themselves!
If making 5 years of progress in your fitness journey while achieving more of those benefits resonates with you, this blog is for you.
If you want to feel more confident, energized, strong, and amazing about yourself, the choices you make today will shape your future into becoming your reality.
The next five years will pass, so why not spend that time working on yourself so you can thank yourself 5 years from now, rather than regret how you’ve spent your time?
Let’s ensure that in 5 years, you’re exactly where you want to be with your fitness, health, and confidence, and you’re proud of the woman you’ve become.
Stop Waiting for the “Right Time”
The “Right Time” will NEVER come, it’s the biggest mistake you can ever make, waiting for the perfect conditions to begin is only prolonging your success.
There will always be obstacles in your way, and roadblocks preventing your progress, but how you overcome them matters.
Waiting for those obstacles/roadblocks to disappear or reduce themselves is the worst thing you can do.
It’s all about doing what you can with what you’ve got, don’t overhaul your life overnight, take small consistent steps over time.
The “perfect” time will never come, so stop waiting for it!
Create a Vision
Write down your fitness vision for the next 5 years and be specific!
How much stronger do you want to feel?
How much energy do you want, and what would you like to do with that energy?
What fitness milestones would you like to hit?
Create a clear vision of what your future self will be like as this will give you something to work towards, and you’ll have much more clarity moving forward!
It will keep you focused on something.
Fitness Should Easily Integrate Into Your Life
Many women struggle to progress with their fitness because they’re trying to fit fitness into their lives incorrectly.
However, what I recommend you do is this…
Don’t compare your fitness journey with others and don’t copy what others are doing, fitness should easily integrate into your life in a way that works for you!
Everybody has a unique lifestyle, so incorporating fitness into our lives will look different compared to others.
Does this make sense?
If you have a packed schedule as a busy mom not wanting to sacrifice quality time with their children…
Focus on short, intense workouts that fit into your lifestyle.
Focus on Progress, Not Perfection
Life can be unpredictable as a Mom, there will be days when things don’t go to plan or the way you thought they would.
You may feel exhausted, skip a workout, or feel lazy.
But everything doesn’t have to be perfect, what matters is your being consistent with progress.
Taking small steps over time will make you significantly more progress over 5 years than taking no action due to your desire for everything to be perfect.
Do you agree?
Things may go wrong, don’t dwell on it, pick yourself up from where you left off the next day and keep going.
Your focus needs to be on progress… NOT perfection!
Invest in Your Health Now
As I’ve said, the decisions you make today impact your future self.
In 5 years, the worst feeling will be looking back wishing you’d prioritized fitness sooner.
Invest in yourself and your health now, and your future self will thank you for it.
I assure you.
In 5 years, you could experience 5 years of progress where you feel much more confident, stronger, energized, and healthy.
Or you could be in the same spot you are now or even a less favorable situation.
The woman you become in the future starts with the choices you make today, in this very moment.
Ask yourself, what small step can you take today to move closer to that vision that you’ve written down?
I want you to feel proud of your progress, not wishing that you started sooner!
If you’re ready to make your future self-proud, join my membership VIA the button below,
as I genuinely believe it’s the best action you could take as a Fitness Mom wanting to make her future self-proud.
Start becoming your most confident, strongest, energized self now so your future self can look back feeling proud of your progress.